Select a Membership

One-time Application Fee: $3,900
Recurring Billing: $285 every 1 Month


Initiation Fee: $3900
Monthly: $285
No contract, members may terminate at any time (initiation fee is non-refundable)
time (initiation fee is non-refundable)
This our most economical plan that will limit members to use of the vessels from Mon-Fri and excludes
holidays. Because of demand, Friday will be split into two sessions (8AM-1:30PM and 2PM-8PM).
Members of the weekday plan will be allowed to hold up to 4 reservations at a time. Once a reservation
is used the members will regain the ability to use it again.

Terms and Conditions

One-time Application Fee: $6,500
Recurring Billing: $445 every 1 Month


Initiation Fee: $6500
Monthly: $445
No contract, members may terminate at any time (initiation fee is non-refundable)
This is our most common membership and gives the member the freedom to book both weekdays,
weekends, and holidays. Fri, Sat, and Sun encompasses two sessions. One reservation equals one
session. Mon-Thurs one reservation will give you the opportunity to use the boat all day between the
hours of 8AM & 8PM. A member may book the boat for an entire day on Fri-Sun, but that will count as
two reservations. The Captain membership will give the member the ability to hold up to 4 reservations
at a time. Once a reservation is used the members will regain the ability to use it again.

Terms and Conditions

One-time Application Fee: $8,000
Recurring Billing: $700 every 1 Month


Initiation Fee: $8000
Monthly: $700
No contract, members may terminate at any time (initiation fee is non-refundable)
This our highest-level plan. The Admiral plan will appeal to people who need or desire the ability to plan
out their boating times very specifically. With the ability to hold up 10 reservations at a time, this allows
more access to weekends and holidays all while keeping the ability to boat at a moments notice.
Fri, Sat, and Sun encompasses two sessions. One reservation equals one session. Mon-Thurs one
reservation will give you the opportunity to use the boat all day between the hours of 8AM & 8PM. A
member may book the boat for an entire day on Fri-Sun, but that will count as two reservations. The
Admiral membership will give the member the ability to hold up to 10 reservations at a time. Once a
reservation is used the members will regain the ability to use it again.

Terms and Conditions

Membership Details
(Format: mm/dd/yyyy)
Registration Details

(Format: mm/dd/yyyy)